Traffic water horse-Applications-Shandong Weichi International Trading CO., LTD

Traffic water horse

        With the continuous improvement of the income level of Chinese residents, the demand for cars is increasing gradually. Light weight and environmental protection are the main development direction of automobile materials at present. Reducing the weight of automobiles has been recognized as one of the effective measures to reduce automobile emissions and improve combustion efficiency in the industry.
        Plastic is one of the most important lightweight materials for automobiles. It can not only reduce the weight of automobiles, but also significantly reduce the production costs of automobile manufacturers.
        In recent years, with the continuous development of plastic modification technology, more and more auto parts have met the design requirements of plastic materials, and the application of plastics in automobiles has expanded from traditional decorative parts to functional parts.
        With the continuous improvement of automobile lightweight level, the consumption of automotive plastics at home and abroad and its proportion in the vehicle mass will be further improved in the future. Therefore, the application space of plastics and color masterbatch in automobile industry in China is very broad.

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