Requirements of masterbatch for heating system- News -Shandong Weichi International Trading CO., LTD

Requirements of masterbatch for heating system

Industry News, 09-28-2018

        Color masterbatch is also used for better coloring. Nowadays, it is mostly used by machines to finish coloring. In order to better fix the color when coloring, it is usually heated properly. Therefore, it has requirements for the heating system:
1. Heating system: when using, pay attention to whether the heating ring or heating plate of each section of the equipment is in good working condition. The heating ring should be close to the outer surface of the barrel and die head to prevent the uneven heating from affecting the uniform diffusion of masterbatch in the mixing chamber, resulting in colored stripes or spots on the surface of the products.
2. At the same time, maintain the high sensitivity of the temperature control instrument. In order to make the masterbatch melt as soon as possible after entering the rod refining chamber and mix evenly with the plastic, the temperature of the feeding section should be appropriately increased to make it close to or slightly higher than the temperature of the plasticizing section. In order to prevent materials from returning to the hopper, the cooling water at the lower part of the hopper can be opened.
        It should be noted that the temperature should not be too high when heating, otherwise the color masterbatch may be melted. It has high requirements for the heating system, and only those that meet the requirements can be used for coloring.

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Key Word: Modified Masterbatch Functional Masterbatch White Masterbatch Black Masterbatch Colour Masterbatch Filler masterbatch Laser Masterbatch Desiccant masterbatch Ungrouped